Building the PlotClock by Joo from ThingiVerse with English Character support Plotters are fun things. One can move in a 2D space and do very interesting things. Been fascinated by plotters from a long time. Notable mentions like the Drawbot, AxiDraw, EggBot, etc. Always wanted to build a small inexpensive one which did not require too many components or a lot of domain knowledge. One of my favourite past-times is to ThingSurf ie check which open source designs are available and try to make them, either on Thingiverse or Printables, etc. Its a lot of fun and because these provide designs for real-world things, one can study and learn from them and also extend them to do other things. There is also a requirement of a device that will be a low-power notice board, like a limited power device that will just consume power for a short time, do some useful work, maybe display a message and go back to sleep. Things written on a sheet of paper remain visible for a long time. So it wo...
The Implemented GPS device for speed, odometer, etc Building a Tracking and Metrics device using a GPS Module GPS (Global positioning system) modules are commonly used now a days for various tasks: navigation for maps, tracking speed, Geo-location etc. A couple of decades ago around 2002-3 they were not as common and there was need to use such a module for the Railways for tracking speed, odometer, maintenance information, etc. One recent usage of such a device can be found here on my blog: Prototype Bangla Rail Remote Fuel Monitoring The above was the device that was built for the Railways. It had 2 parts to it, a front end part that implemented the UI and a back end part that would take the GPS module readings, analyse and store information, etc As this had to be a tiny system, a Linux SBC was chosen and in those days a tiny Linux distribution called CRUX was used. It could work off 16MB RAM and some 128MB flash and had support for USB flash for data storage. It was indeed ...