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Making PlotClock

Building the PlotClock by Joo from ThingiVerse  with English Character support Plotters are fun things. One can move in a 2D space and do very interesting things. Been fascinated by plotters from a long time. Notable mentions like the Drawbot, AxiDraw, EggBot, etc. Always wanted to build a small inexpensive one which did not require too many components or a lot of domain knowledge. One of my favourite past-times is to ThingSurf ie check which open source designs are available and try to make them, either on Thingiverse or Printables, etc. Its a lot of fun and because these provide designs for real-world things,  one can study and learn from them and also extend them to do other things. There is also a requirement of a device that will be a low-power notice board, like a limited power device that will just consume power for a short time, do some useful work, maybe display a message and go back to sleep. Things written on a sheet of paper remain visible for a long time. So it wo...
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Building a GPS device for Navigation, Tracking and Metrics

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RGB Dot Matrix Display as Multi-Function Panel Display

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Solving the Case of an Untraceable Car Owner

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Leg Brake for a Bicycle

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Web Based Fuel Tracking System for Diesel Locomotive - A Prototype

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Reviving an unused Pharmacy Digital Display System to display custom advertisements

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