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Showing posts with the label gps speed odometer

Building a GPS device for Navigation, Tracking and Metrics

The Implemented GPS device for speed, odometer, etc Building a Tracking and Metrics device using a GPS Module GPS (Global positioning system) modules are commonly used now a days for various tasks: navigation for maps, tracking speed, Geo-location etc. A couple of decades ago around 2002-3 they were not as common and there was need to use such a module for the Railways for tracking speed, odometer, maintenance information, etc. One recent usage of such a device can be found here on my blog:  Prototype Bangla Rail Remote Fuel Monitoring The above was the device that was built for the Railways. It had 2 parts to it, a front end part that implemented the UI and a back end part that would take the GPS module readings, analyse and store information, etc As this had to be a tiny system, a Linux SBC was chosen and in those days a tiny Linux distribution called CRUX was used. It could work off 16MB RAM and some 128MB flash and had support for USB flash for data storage. It was indeed ...