The WDP4/WDG4 locomotive is a diesel locomotive used actively by the Indian Railways. It is a locally built General Motors Electro-Motive Division's GT46MAC (freight) and GT46PAC (passanger) variant. More details can be found here WDP4/WDG4 info on Wikipedia The various gauges on this locomotive are Analog and there was a need to digitize them and provide a single console like is common on many locomotive Driver Display Units. A commonly available industrial x86 SBC which could run Linux and a GUI was chosen. It was interfaced at a location on the loco rack where digital signals were available. It could show a locopilot various readings on the console: Speed, Brake Pipe/Cylinder pressure, BE/TE, Notch position and also various fault conditions. This DDU was used in a few locos and has worked reliably. Below is a picture of a physical meter and how it looks on the implemented DDU. WDP4 Locomotive Original Wikimedia image here
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