The Implemented GPS device for speed, odometer, etc Building a Tracking and Metrics device using a GPS Module GPS (Global positioning system) modules are commonly used now a days for various tasks: navigation for maps, tracking speed, Geo-location etc. A couple of decades ago around 2002-3 they were not as common and there was need to use such a module for the Railways for tracking speed, odometer, maintenance information, etc. One recent usage of such a device can be found here on my blog: Prototype Bangla Rail Remote Fuel Monitoring The above was the device that was built for the Railways. It had 2 parts to it, a front end part that implemented the UI and a back end part that would take the GPS module readings, analyse and store information, etc As this had to be a tiny system, a Linux SBC was chosen and in those days a tiny Linux distribution called CRUX was used. It could work off 16MB RAM and some 128MB flash and had support for USB flash for data storage. It was indeed ...
Teeny space in the WebVerse to shamelessly brag (document) about things that were attempted, things that worked and that did not, both in the professional and hobby fronts. Topics include hacking, modding, new ideas/ways of doing things in many domains (electronics hardware/software, making stuff, mechanical, etc). Maybe to inspire, learn, ignore or forget. It might not work for you. Try at your own risk. Thank you for stopping by and would be delighted to hear from you.