8x8 RGB DOT MATRIX DISPLAY as CLOCK, EMOTICON DISPLAY, NEWS FEED DEVICE Would be interesting to build a multi-function RGB color display device. Good to have display of time, images and any other chamak (custom messages, RSS Feeds,etc) ESP has good support for RGB Led via the Fastled library. Bought and interfaced an 8x8 RGB from an online store with an esp8266 Fabricated a casing with the face and the box from a local vendor The FASTLED capabilites/effects are as below. FASTLED is available here
Teeny space in the WebVerse to shamelessly brag (document) about things that were attempted, things that worked and that did not, both in the professional and hobby fronts. Topics include hacking, modding, new ideas/ways of doing things in many domains (electronics hardware/software, making stuff, mechanical, etc). Maybe to inspire, learn, ignore or forget. It might not work for you. Try at your own risk. Thank you for stopping by and would be delighted to hear from you.