Leg Brake on a Bicycle Growing up, there was a need to learn how to drive a geared motor cycle and also get a driver's license. There are two categories of two wheeler licenses: one for geared vehicles usually with leg brakes and one for auto/non-geared vehicles where the braking happens by hand and are simpler to operate. Driving license had already been acquired for the non-geared vehicle but due to lack of availability of a geared vehicle for practice, the acquiring of this license was taking quite some time. The main problem was adapting to braking a vehicle using the leg where one to respond differently and the conditioning takes some time. Unfortunately could not manage to get anybody/s vehicle for learning after many attempts. And at that time (1995 or so) bicycles were rather common and used for transport. So an idea was: why not add such a feature to a bicycle. A Hercules Town and Trek was also available. After some visits to the local bicycle shop and a used vehicle part...
Teeny space in the WebVerse to shamelessly brag (document) about things that were attempted, things that worked and that did not, both in the professional and hobby fronts. Topics include hacking, modding, new ideas/ways of doing things in many domains (electronics hardware/software, making stuff, mechanical, etc). Maybe to inspire, learn, ignore or forget. It might not work for you. Try at your own risk. Thank you for stopping by and would be delighted to hear from you.