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Showing posts with the label smartwatch

PineTime (Pine64 Watch) Trials

Long time wish to build a smart watch. Experimented with various platforms, not built anything usable yet. Many opensource variants: watchy, openwatch, pinetime, etc. Pinetime is by the Pine64 Organisation  Pine64 Org . They make many open source products like laptops, phones, watches, SBCs, etc. The Pine64 forum has a watch called the Pinetime. It looks nicely packaged and so wanted to see if its suitable for everyday use. More info here  PineTime It is an NRF52 based chipset with an IPS display and chinese sensors for heart rate and step counting. They have an FreeRTOS based OS called the Infinitime . It was WIP then (Mar2021), so many features were under development and also the UI was rudimentary. At about the same time there was another micropython based OS called WaspOS which was under active development.  Downloaded this and generated the OS. The advantage is that one can just write micropython apps and download to this board. No classical embedded development nece...