Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Off-the-Shelf Digital Still Camera with Wireless/Remote Capture/Download Capability

  1. Digital Still Cameras (DSC) have good lenses and large image sensors. They take good pictures in varied lighting conditions
  2. There are many DSCs that are super cheap say like Rs 5000 to Rs 10000. 
  3. DSCs that provide WIFI and Remote Control option are also available, but they are expensive and of the range of Rs 20000 or more and also limited in exposing their APIs/control, etc. This was in 2019. Things might be different now.
  4. So modding/hacking a DSC to take pictures into its SD CARD and then download it remotely would be beneficial.
  5. This is simply done by using a servo as a picture taking plunger that is operated by an SBC say like an RPI and either by WIFI or via the internet, access a web server control mechanism that allows a remote user to click pictures or take videos.
  6. And then use a relay to switch the camera to download the pictures on the SD card and via the same web server mechanism enable pictures to be downloaded.
  7. Below is such an implementation. A Web Browser is used to click the picture and then after the picture is clicked another URL is invoked to put the camera into download mode and the picture downloaded.
  8. This was just a PoC and could be improved immensely.

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