- The ESP32CAM is a super cheap IP streamable camera running off an ESP32 and an omnivision sensor like the OV2640. It is around 600 INR (2022). It would be cool indeed if it could do night vision too.
- A long time ago another webcam had been hacked to provide night vision capabilites.
- So there was a need to check if the ESP32CAM could also be similar converted to an IR camera. The advantage this would provide would be to have night vision with an IR light as is common in security cameras.
- So the uses are many: security camera, trail camera and more importantly a camera with source available to change it to do anything.
- With help from the right contacts, the lens assembly was opened up and the relevant filters were removed.
- There was a problem in re-assembly as a small lens would keep falling off and would interfere with the image. It was solved by gluing the lens assembly.
- Below is a video showing the results of the enabling of night vision on ESP32Cam.
- One can see that in total darkness, there is no image and when an IR light is introduced, the camera does provide night vision of the object. The IR light used was not very powerful and hence one had to get close to it to see the effect.
- Maybe next version change this to use high power IR light and also make a trail camera with a PIR sensor, etc.
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